Sep 8, 2023NewsINDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE AND MARINE DATA GOVERNANCE WORKSHOPIn partnership with Island Marine Aquatic Working Group (IMAWG), Q’ul-lhanumutsun Aquatic Resources Society (QARS) held our inaugural...
Aug 1, 2023NewsSCIENTISTS SAY DFO'S FISHERIES-SCIENCE ADVICE PROCESSES NEEDS IMPROVEMENTThe authors of a recent peer-reviewed Perspective published in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science on Fisheries and...
Jun 19, 2023NewsUPCOMING INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE AND MARINE DATA GOVERNANCE WORKSHOPQ'ul-lhanumutsun Aquatic Resources Society and the Island Marine Aquatic Working Group are collaborating to host our first Indigenous...
Feb 22, 2023NewsHALALT FIRST NATION WELCOMES NEW MARINE STEWARDSHIP COORDINATORThe Halalt Team is excited to welcome Chris Good as the new Marine Stewardship Coordinator. Background Traditional name – Shxuy’sistun...
Oct 20, 2022NewsDFO RELEASE OF EMAILS BRINGS CONFLICT OF INTEREST CONCERNS WITHIN DFODisclosure of internal correspondence between the Department of Fisheries and Ocean and the Sports Fishing Advisory Board has raised...